Sunday, August 30, 2009

Well, Tracey and I made it to Utah on the 14th of August after a great trip. Jeanie and boys were already in their new house and almost all unpacked. The house is beautiful and only a 100 yards or so from their old one. The base is interesting, but the sunsets here are spectacular. We've had 1 gully washing rain storm, but the rest of the days have been hot, hotter and dry. Jean spent the last two weeks packing her bags and getting last minute stuff taken care of. The 3 oldest boys began school on the 24th and Lucian will begin tomorrow. I have volunteered to help out in his classroom for 40 minutes a day to help with lunch and after lunch recess. The 3 youngest get out of school at 3:30 and Brennan gets home from junior high at 3:10.
Jeanie leaves tomorrow at 0400 for the airport. One of her troops will drive her to the airport. Tracey has found out that the PetSmart they transferred her to has 12 groomers including her with only 5 tables available. They have her scheduled for 17 hours this week, so don't know what she will do about that. Can't live on that I can tell you right now. She drove a friends motorcycle from the repair shop to his home yesterday. She was excited about that. He had surgery on his finger and can't drive it, so ask Tracey if she could do it for him. Miss everyone at home, but was fun to celebrate my birthday with Jean and the boys. They were eyeballing my presents of chocolates and a new game for my DS. Still have the chocolates, but Brennan has already played the DS game. Will get into the swing of things in the next month or so and get schedule going. Haven't done so much laundry in years and years!!! HA HA Will try and get some pics on here this week or next.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are settling in nicely. Thanks for the update!
