Saturday, October 31, 2009

I know it's a long time in between posts, but bear with me here. We've been getting adjusted here in Utah and the boys have generally been great. Kieran has spent most of my time here grounded, but the other guys have been great. Brennan as started his own leaf raking business and has made $63.00 so far. Aidan is doing really well in school and reads like a maniac at home. He has memorized all of "The Cat in the Hat Book". He is totally fascinated by the "Fox in Socks" book and can't get through the whole book without howling at the beetle battle parts. Lucian is writing his name pretty well, thanks to Aunt Tracey. He enjoys school very much as does Aidan. I Love their teachers Mrs. Spangenberg and Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Spangenberg is my favorite and I am lucky enough to talk with her everyday when I pick up the youngest from school. We've had 3 light sprinklings of snow and the temp has been pretty low for the last couple of weeks. Tracey gave Lucian a mohawk last night so I'm going to try and post a pic here. Hope it works out. Will send more of our costumes tomorrow.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Last one!!

The boys swordfighting...I think Kieran believes he's a ninja.

More blackmail!!

So this is my first time posting a video on here so I hope it works!! Let me know if you guys have trouble seeing it. Tracey and the boys were playing the canoeing on the wii, and they looked like such goobers that I decided I need some blackmail. Enjoy!!