Friday, July 31, 2009
Wow, we survived our 102 degree heat lasting 5 days! That was crazy. Set some wild records I know that. The animals and I tried to stay indoors all week, but last night it finally cooled down so we could actually have the windows open. We have a portable A/C unit that I had in our bedroom and it kept the room at about 78 degrees. At least we were able to sleep at night. Thank goodness we don't have little ones to have to deal with anymore. Kudos to all you out there who do and managed to keep your heads. I know Tiff probably had hers in the pool. Unfortunately we had taken ours down after everyone left. I did manage to run to Barnes & Noble and grab some books to read all day long, while drinking enormous amounts of ice water. We should have all headed to Charlie & Mauricia's. They have air conditioning!!!! Had a great time with Shana on our Walk for Life weekend. Makes you stop and think how lucky we are to be healthy. Tracey's doctor found no recurrance of cancer on her cervix this week, but is sending her for a mammogram next week. Keep your fingers crossed. She and I will leave in 13 days. Yikes, time flies. Jeanie will be taking leave before she leaves for her "vacation", so she can spend time with the boys. We also found out that we'll be moving the boys into a new house in November. It will still be base housing, and only a couple blocks away from where they live now. Exciting for us all. Have a great weekend out there.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Well, Tom & I got Tracey's stuffed moved back to our garage today. Everytime she moves there seems to get less and less. In a few more moves all she'll have is her toothbrush! HA HA. I have known for quite some time that Tracey loves riding her motorcycle, and I've tried really hard to be okay with it, but today following her down from Issaquah on 3 different freeways, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown and was in tears by the time we got home. People drive like A-holes everyday and I find it annoying, but today 1 huge pickup and 1 small car came very close to sideswiping her right in front of my eyes. Tom called about 40 minutes into our trek and I was in tears, trying to keep an eye out for Tracey and see through my blurry eyes. I felt much better after throwing up my lunch, but it's very lucky for several drivers that I was not not armed with much more than my useless horn and a cellphone, or there could have been major casualties. She was very sweet and said she's sell it if it upset me that bad, & believe me I was very tempted, but she loves that stupid bike and I love her so we'll just have to agree that she's a big girl and a very competent rider. Here's a cute pic of Tracey & Braeden on Tom's birthday. What an adorable pair!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
The first picture is of "Farmer Lucian", 5 years old. I couldn't resist this one when I saw him with the grass in his mouth. Amy & Aidan in our kitchen. Told him to smile and this is what he came up with. Works for me. Kevin and his work program is the third pic. They were filling in holes left by me when taking up old bricks around our cherry tree. Jeanie and the boys had a great time as usual at our local farmer's market. We always have requests to go there when anyone stops by. The last one is Aidan, Brennan, Kieran, Braeden, & Lucian in front of Papa's campfire in our backyard. I thought the picture turned out really well. They had such a great time. Will spend alot of time thinking of ways to entertain them next year.

Hopefully I can get some photos on here. They're some Jeanie & boys visit, as well Amy & Kevin. We had such a great time. Jeanie and boys arrived on the 18th. Amy & Kevin flew in the 23rd. The house was brimming with activity, but we all had a great time being together. I hope the photos load. Otherwise I may have to call for help!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
As eveyone already knows, Jeanie is divorcing and going to Afghanistan. I am hoping to keep this blog for her, so the boys can write and send pics etc. What eveyone doesn't know yet, except for Tom, I, and the sisters, is that Tracey and Graham are not a couple anymore. Yes, we can all breathe a huge sigh of relief!!! Come on now you've all been waiting to do it, just admit it familly. She is couch surfing as of a couple of nights ago. She is such a strong girl as are her sisters and we are so proud of them all. It seems the 2 of the Murphy Sisters have decided they have had enough and we applaud their decisions. Tracey has decided to go with me when I leave on the 13th for Utah, where is much adventure to come!!! I am hoping to post pictures of the boys so everyone can keep up with us. I'd like to thank eveyone who came to help us Celebrate Tom's 60th Birthday. It is always a blast to have you all here with us.
This is our starting blog. Am hoping to keep this for Jeanie and boys while she's gone to Afghanistan. I have enjoyed keeping up with other blogs, so I may ask for help occassionally on how to do this crazy thing. Will be leaving Oly for Utah on August 13th with Tracey. Plan on having a great road trip. Will keep eveyone updated, hopefully.
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